Stories of Hope

Diego Degrossi
“Diego will forever be in our hearts because of his passion, spontaneity and bravery,” Diego’s parents said. “He loved basketball & soccer, was a loyal friend, a wise cracking sibling and lived life to the fullest. He touched so many lives in our community that we will honor his legacy by bringing awareness to organ donation, saving lives and families!
“On June 30th, Diego, age 16, was involved in a tragic drowning, he battled for nearly a week at St. Mary’s Children’s Pediatric Intensive Care Unit before answering God’s call and becoming one of his angels. While at the hospital, it came to us to make a positive from this devastating nightmare.
“With the assistance of Life Alliance Organ Recovery Agency [a member of Donate Life Florida], we spoke to the mother of a young girl who received a donor gift about five years ago. After hearing the gift not only saved the young girl, but an entire family, it solidified our organ donation decision. Although we weren’t as fortunate, we were able to answer the prayers of others.
“Our brave decision to gift Diego’s organs, eyes & tissues to families in need of these life-saving gifts made Diego forever a superhero. And for us, our mission became inspiring others as to the importance of becoming an organ donor… save a life, save a family!
At least 3 people received life-saving organs, including his passionate heart and both kidneys. His beautiful blue eyes, as well as tissues, helped many others.”
“On June 30th, Diego, age 16, was involved in a tragic drowning, he battled for nearly a week at St. Mary’s Children’s Pediatric Intensive Care Unit before answering God’s call and becoming one of his angels. While at the hospital, it came to us to make a positive from this devastating nightmare.
“With the assistance of Life Alliance Organ Recovery Agency [a member of Donate Life Florida], we spoke to the mother of a young girl who received a donor gift about five years ago. After hearing the gift not only saved the young girl, but an entire family, it solidified our organ donation decision. Although we weren’t as fortunate, we were able to answer the prayers of others.
“Our brave decision to gift Diego’s organs, eyes & tissues to families in need of these life-saving gifts made Diego forever a superhero. And for us, our mission became inspiring others as to the importance of becoming an organ donor… save a life, save a family!
At least 3 people received life-saving organs, including his passionate heart and both kidneys. His beautiful blue eyes, as well as tissues, helped many others.”
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